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The series facilitates access to the fast-moving discussion about Global Intellectual History from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries. It provides a forum for new methodological approaches and unconventional formats. Every volume engages in a critical reading of the state of research and explicitly reflects on its methodological toolkit.
Social network are nowadays inherent parts of our lives and highly developed communication technique helps us maintain our relationships. But how did it work in the early 19th century, in a time without cell phones and internet? A Chinese Hong Merchant in Canton Trade named Houqua (1769–1843), who lived in isolated Qing China, gives us an outstanding answer. Despite various barriers in cultures, languages, political situations and his identity as a Chinese merchant strictly under control of the Qing government, Houqua established a commercial network across three continents: Asia, North America and Europe. This book will not only uncover his secrets and actions in his Chinese social network especially patronage relationships in traditional Chinese society, but also reconstruct his intercultural network, including his unique and even "modern" friendship with some American traders which lasted almost half a century after Houqua´s death.
Covering a rich array of global aspects, ranging from individuals as ideational entrepreneurs to transnational intellectual trajectories, this volume deals with multiple dimensions of global and transnational backgrounds pertaining to Turkey’s intellectual history, starting with the 19th and reaching the 21st-century. The book engages with the late Ottoman and republican Turkish periods through topics such as the transnational processes that contributed to the development of modern Turkish philosophy, the Bosnian and Bulgarian intellectuals at the end times of the Ottoman imperial order, Wilsonianism’s impact, the role of Westerners in promoting Ottoman political agendas, the global connections and ramifi cations of Turkish Islamism as well as Turkish anticlericalism and leftism. The aim is to globalize late Ottoman and republican Turkish intellectual histories by presenting distinct frameworks for advancing the Global Intellectual History agenda in this distinct setting.