The series focuses on migration in historical context. We welcome proposals for monographs, edited volumes, conference proceedings, and work in translation that investigate any aspect of migration on any time period and from any region of the world. We are particularly interested in submissions that explore migration in comparative perspective, investigate the memory of migration, and study migration as a process that unfolds across countries of departure, arrival, and transit. While we welcome submissions from non-historians, we prioritize scholars who frame their work historically. The purpose of this series is to draw attention to the historical roots of current global patterns of migration and debates over its broader ramifications.
Advisory Board:
Sylvie Aprile, L’Institut des sciences sociales du politique (ISP)/Université Paris Nanterre-France
Ulf Brunnbauer, IOS Regensburg
Sonia Cancian, McGill University
Stacy Fahrenthold, University of California, Davis
Michał Frankl, Masaryk Institute, Prague
Irial Glynn, University College Dublin
Idesbald Goddeeris, KU Leuven
Violet Showers Johnson, Texas A&M University
Anna Kirchmann, Eastern Connecticut State Univesrity
Claudia Moatti, University of Southern California
Leslie Moch, Michigan State University
Matteo Pretelli, University of Naples "L'Orientale"
Christiane Reinecke, University of Osnabruck
Dariusz Stola, Polish Academy of Science
Barış Ülker, Technical University Berlin
Adam Walaszek, Jagiellonian University of Krakow
Miha Zobec, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts