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Das Lexikon des Hesychios von Alexandreia (um 500 n. Chr.), mit über 50.000 Glossen das reichhaltigste aller antiken Lexika, ermöglicht der Nachwelt einen Zugang zu den gewaltigen Sammlungen der hellenistischen und kaiserzeitlichen Lexikographen. Es ist damit zugleich eine wichtige Quelle für die moderne griechische Lexikographie und die vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft.
Eine modernen Ansprüchen genügende Textbasis legte erst Kurt Latte mit dem Beginn seiner Epoche machenden Ausgabe vor, die auf neuer Kollation der einzigen Handschrift ebenso wie (erstmals) auf der Parallelüberlieferung des sog. Kyrill-Glossars beruhte (Bd. 1: Alpha-Delta 1953, Bd. 2: Epsilon-Omikron postum 1966). Die Fortsetzung der Latteschen Edition hat im Auftrage der Kgl. Dänischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Kopenhagen Peter Allan Hansen übernommen; abgeschlossen wird die Edition durch Ian C. Cunningham. Ein 5. Band mit Indices, Registern und Nachträgen zu den Bänden 1-4 ist in Planung.
Hesychius’ 5th(?)-century Greek lexicon is a very important survivor of ancient learning, including fragments of Greek literature and offering material, not yet fully evaluated, on patristic writings. The final critical edition was begun by Kurt Latte (Vol. 1, 1953 and Vol. 2, 1966, Copenhagen: Munksgaard; now out of print) and continued by Hansen and Cunningham (SGLG 11/3 and 11/4, 2005 and 2010). This revised edition of vol. 1 provides a more complete record of the readings of the unique manuscript, cites parallels from related works in the current editions, and takes account of the scholarship of the intervening years. A revised edition of the second Latte volume (SGLG 11/2, 2019) followed this edition. A volume of indexes and addenda is planned (to be SGLG 11/5).
Hesychius’ 5th(?)-century Greek lexicon is a very important survivor of ancient learning, including fragments of Greek literature and offering material, not yet fully evaluated, on patristic writings. The final critical edition was begun by Kurt Latte (Vol. 1, 1953 and Vol. 2, 1966, Copenhagen: Munksgaard; now out of print) and continued by Hansen and Cunningham (SGLG 11/3 and 11/4, 2005 and 2010). A revised edition of the first Latte volume by Cunningham (SGLG 11/1, 2017) followed and is now completed by the revised edition of vol. 2, which also provides a more complete record of the readings of the unique manuscript, cites parallels from related works in the current editions, and takes account of the scholarship of the intervening years. A volume of indexes and addenda is planned (to be SGLG 11/5).
Hesychius’ 5th(?)-century Greek lexicon is a very important survivor of ancient learning, including fragments of Greek literature and offering material, not yet fully evaluated, on patristic writings. The final critical edition was begun by Kurt Latte (Vol. 1, 1953 and Vol. 2, 1966, Copenhagen: Munksgaard; now out of print) and continued by Hansen (SGLG 11/3, 2005). Vol. 3, together with vol. 4 by Hansen and Cunningham (SGLG 11/4), provides for the first time a detailed report of the unique manuscript and a critical text, taking into account the relevant modern scholarship, and citing parallels from related works. A revised edition of the two Latte volumes followed (SGLG 11/1, 2017 and SGLG 11/2, 2019). A volume of indexes and addenda is planned (to be SGLG 11/5).
Hesychius’ 5th(?)-century Greek lexicon is a very important survivor of ancient learning, including fragments of Greek literature and offering material, not yet fully evaluated, on patristic writings. The final critical edition was begun by Kurt Latte (Vol. 1, 1953 and Vol. 2, 1966, Copenhagen: Munksgaard; now out of print) and continued by Hansen (SGLG 11/3, 2005). As with vol. 3, the current vol. 4 provides for the first time a detailed report of the unique manuscript and a critical text, taking into account the relevant modern scholarship, and citing parallels from related works. A revised edition of the two Latte volumes followed (SGLG 11/1, 2017 and SGLG 11/2, 2019). A volume of indexes and addenda is planned (to be SGLG 11/5).
This is the first modern edition and an essential tool for scholars of all aspects of the subject. This edition of the lexicon of the ancient Greek scholar Hesychius was begun by K. Latte and revised and completed by P. A. Hansen and I. C. Cunningham. The text with apparatus was published in four volumes between 1953 and 2020. This final volume contains additions and corrections to the eararlier four and three indexes (of authors cited, authors of related texts, and subjects). The lexicon is an important source for ancient Greek vocabulary, grammar, history and literature.