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Neue Bücher in Islam- und Nahostwissenschaft

book: Rethinking the Anthropology of Islam Rethinking the Anthropology of Islam Dynamics of Change in Muslim Societies. In Honour of Roman Loimeier Katja Föllmer, Lisa Maria Franke, Ramzi Ben Amara, Laura Stauth, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient book: Jüdische Lebenswelten im Osmanischen Reich Jüdische Lebenswelten im Osmanischen Reich Martina Bitunjac book: Katholisch-schiitische Positionierungen im safawidischen Iran Katholisch-schiitische Positionierungen im safawidischen Iran Die persische Risāla von Pietro Della Valle Il Pellegrino (1621) Catherina Wenzel book: Ǧawāhir al-Akhbār wa-Mulaḥ Al-Ashʿār Ǧawāhir al-Akhbār wa-Mulaḥ Al-Ashʿār Or Gems of the Tales and Anecdotes of Poetry Noha Abdelrazek El Hefnawy, Al-Qādī Mu ͗taman Al-Dīn Al-Ḥasan ibn Muḥammad ibn Abī ͑Aqāma Al-Yamanī (d. ~480 AH) book: The Outrider The Outrider Abū al-Faḍl al-ʿAbbās Christopher Clohessy book: Alexander of Aphrodisias, ›On the Conversion of Propositions‹ Alexander of Aphrodisias, ›On the Conversion of Propositions‹ Thomas Auffret, Jonathan Barnes, Marwan Rashed book: Emerging Subjectivity in the Long 19th-Century Middle East Emerging Subjectivity in the Long 19th-Century Middle East Philological Approaches Stephan Guth book: Governance and Islam in East Africa Governance and Islam in East Africa Muslims and the State Farouk Topan, Kai Kresse, Erin E. Stiles, Hassan Mwakimako book: Islamic Microfinance Islamic Microfinance Landscape, Models and Future Prospects Hussain Mohi ud Din Qadri, Hassnian Ali book: Beyond Sectarianism Beyond Sectarianism Ambiguity, Hermeneutics, and the Formations of Religious Identity in Islam Tehseen Thaver book: The Devotional Qur’an The Devotional Qur’an Beloved Surahs and Verses Shawkat M. Toorawa book: Italien als Brücke zum ‚Orient‘ Italien als Brücke zum ‚Orient‘ Im Spiegel von Reiseberichten (18.–19. Jahrhundert) Laurian Kanzleiter book: The Barāhima’s Dilemma The Barāhima’s Dilemma Ibn al-Rāwandī’s ›Kitāb al-Zumurrud‹ and the Epistemological Turn in the Debate on Prophecy Elizabeth G. Price book: Muslim Puritans Muslim Puritans Reformist Psychology in Southeast Asian Islam James L. Peacock book: The Making of the Modern Muslim State The Making of the Modern Muslim State Islam and Governance in the Middle East and North Africa Malika Zeghal book: Moral Atmospheres Moral Atmospheres Islam and Media in a Pakistani Marketplace Timothy P. A. Cooper
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