Neue Bücher in allen Fachgebieten
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unseren Partnerverlagen
The Potential for Anthropology and Urban Community Engagement
Lessons Learned from Twenty-Five Years in Milwaukee
Machine-Created Culture
Essays on the Archaeology of Digital Things and Places
The Soul of the Nation
Catholicism and Nationalization in Modern Spain
New Anthropologies of Italy
Politics, History and Culture
Reversible America
Cowboys, Clowns, and Bullfighters
Egalitarian Dynamics
Liminality, and Victor Turner’s Contribution to the Understanding of Socio-historical Process
Two Against the Tide
The shared career and lost legacy of Brenda and Charles Seligman
Lives in Limbo
Syrian Youth in Turkey
Reconstructing Homes
Affective Materiality and Atmospheres of Belonging
The Global Life of Mines
Mining and Post-Mining in Comparative Perspective
Istanbul at the Threshold of Nation State
Allied Occupation, National Resistance, and Political Conflict, 1918-1923
Exhibiting Jewish Culinary Culture
Remembering Suffering and Resistance
Memory Politics and the Serbian Orthodox Church
How We Write Now
Living with Black Feminist Theory
Visual Rehabilitation of Stroke
A Translational Guide
Social Entrepreneurship in Germany
An Analysis of the Media Discourse from 1999 to 2021
Fachgebiet auswählen
- Alle Fachgebiete
- Allgemein
- Altertumswissenschaften
- Architektur und Design
- Asien- und Pazifikwissenschaften
- Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft, Buchwissenschaft
- Biologie
- Chemie
- Geowissenschaften
- Geschichte
- Industrielle Chemie
- Informatik
- Islam- und Nahostwissenschaft
- Jüdische Studien
- Kulturwissenschaften
- Kunst
- Linguistik und Semiotik
- Literaturwissenschaft
- Materialwissenschaft
- Mathematik
- Medizin
- Musik
- Pharmazie
- Philosophie
- Physik
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Sport und Freizeit
- Technik
- Theologie und Religion
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften