Neue Bücher in Philosophie
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unseren Partnerverlagen
A Manifesto for Digital Well-Being
Negative Dialektik und Erkenntnispraxis
Ein materialistischer Weg zur Wahrheit
Predication and Genesis
Metaphysics as Fundamental Heuristic after Schelling's The Ages of the World
Order and the Virtual
The Philosophy and Science of Deleuzian Cosmology
Arab Philosophical Trends
Responses to Modernity
At the End of Property
Patents, Plants and the Crisis of Propertization
Creatures of Attention
Aesthetics and the Subject before Kant
A Summer with Pascal
Encoding Bioethics
AI in Clinical Decision-Making
Sense, Nonsense, and Subjectivity
Liberalism as a Way of Life
Reading Spinoza in the Anthropocene
Deleuze, Digital Media and Thought
The Guide to the Perplexed
A New Translation
Kritische Theorie aktualisieren
Adorno und Foucault in den Kraftfeldern von Subjekt, Macht und Ideologie
Denken des Medialen
Zur Bedeutung des »Dazwischen«
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