Product information for booksellers & library suppliers
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FAQ for Library Suppliers and Book Sellers
These are some of the frequently asked questions from booksellers, distributors and library suppliers. Answers include where to send inquiries, response and delivery times, and what you need to place an order. We’re more than happy to answer any other queries you have.
Please send all orders, inquiries and claims to Customer Service De Gruyter. You will receive a confirmation email with a ticket number.
Important: Please quote this ticket number on further inquiries about the same issue.
Orders are processed within 24 hours. Inquiries are responded to within 72 hours.
Books, eBooks and standing orders for book series:
ISBN (please select the ISBN for the chosen format)
Billing address
Shipping details (if different from billing address)
Full shipping address if using freight
Email address for invoices, credit notes and other correspondence
Journals, Yearbooks, Databases:
Print or electronic format
Automatic or manual subscription renewal
Purchase or subscription for databases
Billing address
Shipping details (if different from billing address)
Full shipping address for freight
Email address for invoices, credit notes and other correspondence
If you're ordering digital products for an institution or library you'll also need:
The complete address of the end user
Email address for access confirmation
IP range
And if you're ordering a digital product as a private customer, we'll need your email address.
Handling usually takes a maximum of 2 days after order processing. After this the following terms that apply to delivery times can be found at
For further information on delivery times please see:
Wire transfer
Credit card
BLZ 720 123 00
Kto.-Nr. 786 842 100
IBAN: DE81 7201 2300 0786 8421 00
Two days after an account has become due the first payment reminder will be sent.
If there is no response from the customer within 14 days a second reminder will be sent.
If there is no response from the customer within a further 14 days a third reminder will be sent and a block will be placed on new deliveries.
After a further 14 days without a response a fourth reminder will be sent and an attempt will be made to collect payment by telephone.
If an invoice remains unpaid after the fourth reminder payment, a collection process will be initiated.
To receive monthly statements please send your email address to