Fordham University Press began publishing in 1907 with a strong focus on titles in medicine, science, and history. In the 1930s, Fordham University Press began to build its humanities and social sciences lists. In the lead up to the 21st century, the Press once again expanded its expertise to include cultural studies, critical race theory, and gender studies. With over 70 titles published annually, Fordham University Press seeks to support and expand values and traditions in its publication.
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Alles in Literaturwissenschaft
Alles in Philosophie
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Newest titles
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Sailing without Ahab
Ecopoetic Travels
Finding God in a World Come of Age
Karl Rahner and Johann Baptist Metz
Recovering Their Stories
US Catholic Women in the Twentieth Century
Beyond Despair
The Rwanda Genocide against the Tutsi through the Eyes of Children
Embracing Emancipation
A Transatlantic History of Irish Americans, Slavery, and the American Union, 1840-1865
On the High Line
The Definitive Guide
Latinx Revolutionary Horizons
Form and Futurity in the Americas
Reading the Impossible
Sexual Difference, Critique, and the Stamp of History
Breaking the Bronze Ceiling
Women, Memory, and Public Space
The War In-Between
Indexing a Visual Culture of Survival
The Affect and Effect of Artistic Activism
The Planning Moment
Colonial and Postcolonial Histories
Other partner publishers
- Academic Studies Press
- Amsterdam University Press
- Association of Canadian University Presses
- Berghahn Books
- Boydell & Brewer
- Bristol University Press
- Central European University Press
- Channel View Publications
- Columbia University Press
- Cornell University Press
- Duke University Press
- Edinburgh University Press
- EDP Sciences
- Gorgias Press
- Gütersloher Verlagshaus
- Harvard University Press
- Iberoamericana Vervuert
- Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Publishing
- Lynne Rienner Publishers
- Manchester University Press
- Multilingual Matters
- New York University Press
- Penn State University Press
- Princeton University Press
- Rutgers University Press