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The ancient Greek commentaries that were preserved on papyrus, i.e. the hypomnemata and marginalia on Greek authors as well as glossaries and lexica, have previously been published in scattered works. This corpus is unique in the academic world in that it presents these texts in collected form. A new installment of approximately 250-300 pages is to appear every two or three years (in total, about 15 installments are planned for the period 2003/2020). The entire work is divided into four main sections: Pars I Commentaria et lexica in auctores; Pars II Commentaria in adespota; Pars III Lexica; Pars IV Concordantiae et Indices.
Zu Pars I, Vol. 1, Fasz. 1: "...we now have a very useful repertoire of one of the most engaging types of technical literature; moreover the antiquity of the texts is a guarantee that, through them, we are approaching as well as we can the rest of the Alexandrian and early Roman philology." Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Bryn Mawr, 29. September 2005