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The Gütersloh publishing house, today part of the Random House publishing group, was founded in 1835 under the direction of Carl Bertelsmann. From the beginning, scientific, theological, and religious literature formed the focus of the program. Today, the Gütersloh publishing house sees itself as a Christian publishing house with a Protestant character. It publishes books on religious life as well as on spiritual topics and questions of meaning and values. Works of scientific theology from all theological disciplines, titles on biblical exegesis, handbooks, editions of works, and source editions continue to occupy a large part of the program.

Late Bronze Age. (Strata 16-14) Katja Soennecken, Dieter Vieweger, Jutta Häser
Die Wirkungsgeschichte der Septuaginta Martin Meiser, Florian Wilk
Wie das Christentum entstand Eine Geschichte mit Brüchen im 1. und 2. Jahrhundert Klaus Wengst
Wādī al-̒Arab Survey Katja Soennecken, Patrick Leiverkus, Dieter Vieweger, Jutta Häser
Die Theologie der Septuaginta The Theology of the Septuagint Hans Ausloos, Bénédicte Lemmelijn
Band 21 Schriften zur zionistischen Politik und zur jüdisch-arabischen Frage Martin Buber, Samuel Hayim Brody, Paul Mendes-Flohr
Early and Middle Bronze Age. (Strata 25-17) Dieter Vieweger, Jutta Häser
Band 4 Schriften über das dialogische Prinzip Martin Buber, Andreas Losch, Paul Mendes-Flohr
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