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New books in Linguistics and Semiotics

book: Handbook of the Language Industry Handbook of the Language Industry Contexts, Resources and Profiles Gary Massey, Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow, Erik Angelone book: Band 10/Lieferung 6 schläufe – schrecken Band 10/Lieferung 6 schläufe – schrecken book: Affectedness at the Morphosyntax-Semantics Interface Affectedness at the Morphosyntax-Semantics Interface Evidence from Differential Object Marking Semra Kızılkaya book: Diskurstraditionen der Argumentation Diskurstraditionen der Argumentation Eine Korpusanalyse von Bittschriften der Serie «Esclavos» der «Corte Suprema de Quito» (1702–1849) Jennifer Gabel de Aguirre book: Formal Perspectives on Secondary Predication Formal Perspectives on Secondary Predication Marcel den Dikken, Hideki Kishimoto book: Forms and Functions of Meta-Discourse Forms and Functions of Meta-Discourse The Case of Comment Clauses in Present-Day Italian Maria Cristina Lo Baido book: Constructions with Lexical Repetitions in East Slavic Constructions with Lexical Repetitions in East Slavic Mikhail Kopotev, Kyongjoon Kwon book: Handbuch Sprache und digitale Kommunikation Handbuch Sprache und digitale Kommunikation Jannis Androutsopoulos, Friedemann Vogel book: Aspects of Cognitive Terminology Studies Aspects of Cognitive Terminology Studies Theoretical Considerations and the Role of Metaphor in Terminology Silvia Molina-Plaza, Nava Maroto book: Language Policies in Higher Education Language Policies in Higher Education Promoting Multilingualism to Support Internationalization Felipe F. Guimarães book: Diccionario etimológico e histórico de los prefijos de la lengua española Diccionario etimológico e histórico de los prefijos de la lengua española David A. Pharies, Erica Fischer-Dorantes book: On the Role of Contrast in Information Structure On the Role of Contrast in Information Structure Jorina Brysbaert, Karen Lahousse book: Indexicality Indexicality The Role of Indexing in Language Structure and Language Change Peter Juul Nielsen, María Sol Sansiñena book: The Making and Breaking of Classification Models in Linguistics The Making and Breaking of Classification Models in Linguistics A Multimethod Perspective on Constructional Alternations Jane Klavan book: Strict Negative Concord in Slavic and Finno-Ugric Strict Negative Concord in Slavic and Finno-Ugric Licensing, Structure and Interpretation Gréte Dalmi, Jacek Witkoś, Piotr Cegłowski book: Recent Trends and Findings in Latin Linguistics Recent Trends and Findings in Latin Linguistics Volume I: Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics. Volume II: Semantics and Lexicography. Discourse and Dialogue Concepción Cabrillana
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