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book: Observability and Mathematics Observability and Mathematics Quantum Yang–Mills Theory and Modelling Boris Khots book: Differential Equations Differential Equations Solving Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations with Mathematica® Marian Mureşan book: Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics Entropy, Heat and Mass Transfer Michael Bestehorn book: Messunsicherheit Messunsicherheit Kurz und praktisch - für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschafler Gerald Gerlach, Klaus-Dieter Sommer book: Additive Manufacturing of Structural Electronics Additive Manufacturing of Structural Electronics Marcin Słoma book: Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics Guo-Ping Zhang, Mingsu Si, Thomas F. George book: Complex Heterogeneous Systems Complex Heterogeneous Systems Thermodynamics, Information Theory, Composites, Networks, and Electrochemistry Markus Schmuck book: Physikalische Chemie Kapieren Physikalische Chemie Kapieren Quantenmechanik • Spektroskopie • Statistische Thermodynamik Sebastian Seiffert, Wolfgang Schärtl book: Nanoelectronics Nanoelectronics From Device Physics and Fabrication Technology to Advanced Transistor Concepts Joachim Knoch book: Rare-Earth Elements Rare-Earth Elements Solid State Materials: Chemical, Optical and Magnetic Properties Henning Höppe book: Carbon for Micro and Nano Devices Carbon for Micro and Nano Devices Swati Sharma book: Thermal Engineering Thermal Engineering Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer Lin Qiu, Yanhui Feng, China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. book: Faszination Flug Faszination Flug Wirbel, Zirkulation, Auftrieb Peter Neumeyer book: Energy-Momentum Conservation Laws Energy-Momentum Conservation Laws From Solar Cells, Nuclear Energy, and Muscle Work to Positron Emission Tomography Emil Zolotoyabko book: Fiber-Based Optical Resonators Fiber-Based Optical Resonators Cavity QED, Resonator Design and Technological Applications Deepak Pandey book: Semiconductor Quantum Light Sources Semiconductor Quantum Light Sources Fundamentals, Technologies and Devices Peter Michler, Simone Luca Portalupi
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